Kay Spears Blog | Kay Spears

Thoughts and suggestions on how you can increase your wellness, infinitely…

Lower back pain? Here are few exercises that can help

In the US, nearly 65 million Americans have lower back pain for a couple of different reasons. Some of the most common causes can be muscle or ligament strain, bulging or ruptured disks, arthritis, and osteoporosis. Although lower back pain is primarily seen in adults, children and teenagers may also experience it. Several factors may

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Grocery Shopping: Shop Smarter, Not Harder

Healthy eating can sometimes come at a price. But with a few tips and tricks up your sleeve, eating healthy can be super affordable and accessible. Many people think that eating healthy means eating organic, all-natural, unprocessed, etc. Of course, eating that way would be ideal, but financially for many, it is not. And that’s

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Keto Diet

Ketogenic Diet The keto diet has been talked about everywhere in the last couple of years! Celebrities, physicians, nutritionists, and many other health professionals have recommended it for weight loss. But where did it come from? Is it safe? Can anyone do it? Is it sustainable? Let’s mull over these questions a bit… History In

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Do You Need to Exercise to Lose Weight? It’s Complicated

When we come across exercise programs on social media or tv, they tend to promote things like “beach body,” “21-day abs,” “summer body,” “transform your body in 30 days,” etc. Exercise can help with accomplishing a healthy physique, whatever that may look like. However, many of these programs forget to mention the other factors that

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When it comes to weight loss, we often tend to cut out foods high in fats and those that are carbohydrate-dense. However, we tend to forget about the hidden calories found in our drinks. Drinks like sweet teas, juices, coffee, sodas, or sports drinks may have added sugar and fats that increase your daily calorie

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Want to live longer? NIA study links fasting to longevity

Intermittent fasting is a diet cycling between regular periods of eating and fasting, and has been linked to lower risks of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and aging. Watch the video to get a nutritionist’s take on the best way to go about it. Time People have been fasting for years to lose weight, but what

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