Maintaining Cognitive Health
Cognitive and neurological health refers to the health of the brain, how efficiently the brain communicates with the body while maintaining a host of other functions such as memory, judgment, language, spacial sensing, recognition, dealing with colors, images and numbers as well as the ability to learn.
Common Cognitive Symptoms
Issues with cognitive or neurological health can involve many symptoms. For example, ones that are accepted as “just part of getting older” – like brain fog or forgetting names to more serious signs of cognitive impairment and enzyme function like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
We are now realizing through medical research that many symptoms of cognitive decline actually originate in other parts of the body, not just the brain itself – including depression and anxiety.
We have also found that other neurological problems — brought on by head injuries from sports or car accidents — aren’t always given the proper treatment at the time of occurrence. This can also cause neurological issues later on in life, leading to depression, vertigo, or poor balance and change in sleep patterns.
Conventional Treatment Approaches
Severe cognitive decline is typically seen among aging adults (60+), but now we are seeing more individuals even in their 40’s starting to suffer from cognitive issues.
Most people suffer from mild cognitive impairment (MCI), including loss of memory – for example the inability to quickly remember names and numbers, which doesn’t hugely impact their ability to maintain necessary daily activities.
Conventional medicine states there is no cure for severe cognitive decline, but what they fail to recognize is the ability to treat early cognitive decline before the brain is in severe decline.
Many conventionally trained functional nutritionists still believe that memory loss is a result of the aging brain losing chemicals (like acetylcholine) that allow your brain cells to properly communicate.
While that is true in part, it’s only a very small part of the story. Typically, they prescribe medications to boost neurotransmitters (which only help marginally) but never address the other systemic insults leading to impaired brain function. If memory medications truly worked, then cognitive decline would be a manageable issue, instead of the growing problem that it is.
One of the reasons why many primary care practitioners are at a loss to treat cognitive impairments has to do with their training: They learn to treat symptoms with a prescription, while typically not getting to the root of why your brain is in decline, which is a complex equation.
While conventionally trained functional nutritionists are great at acute care, they simply don’t have the training and tools to deal with chronic disorders, including cognitive decline and dealing with issues like memory loss, brain fog, anxiety, and depression – which can sometimes be mistakenly diagnosed as emotional issues.
Neurofeedback at Kay Spears
Neurofeedback enables us to receive ‘feedback’ about our brain activity. We have different brain waves that if out of balance can cause symptoms. We help with ADD, autism, depression, addictions, chronic fatigue, insomnia, and much more.
Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback that uses electroencephalography (EEG) to provide a signal that can be used by a person to receive feedback about brain activity.
This feedback loop can produce changes in brainwave activity. The process used to adjust brainwave activity. The process used to adjust brainwave activity is known as operant conditioning, which is a method where rewards for positive behavior increase learning capabilities.
We’ve also discovered that deficiencies in key brain nutrients could be to blame for many cognitive issues – which we correct with high-quality, medical grade supplementation and a functional nutrition diet.
This protocol is wonderful for your brain, but also benefits your entire body, as we look at your whole system and help you to make the needed changes to get your health back on track.
The earlier cognitive impairments are diagnosed, the sooner you can start addressing them – so feel free to schedule a complimentary phone consultation to see what the best next steps are for you.
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Journey With Me
Perhaps you have questions you’d like to ask before you make a decision to work with us. We are standing by, happy to answer any questions you have to determine if Kay Spears is right for you.
Contact Us
401 E. Las Olas Blvd, Ste #130-536, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
401 E. Las Olas Blvd, Ste #130-536, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Areas Served
Kay Spears is located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and serves patients throughout Florida. These areas include but are not limited to Miami, FL, Pompano Beach, FL, Boca Raton, FL, Delray Beach, FL, West Palm Beach, FL, Coral Springs, FL, Sunrise, FL, Hollywood, FL