We all know that exercise is super good for us, but could your super hard workouts actually be harming you?
Health expert tout exercise as a stress relief, for digestive health and elimination, improved blood sugar levels – plus it boosts cleansing by getting your lymphatic system moving, improves mood and cognition, and lowers risk of many chronic illnesses.
But is there a darker side to your sweat fest??
Well, if you’re out of balance and already have hormone issues (like skin issues, chronic fatigue, painful periods, and struggling with stubborn weight)… then you might inadvertently overtax your adrenals and metabolic hormone balance.
What does that mean?
Your adrenals are the glands that sit on top of your kidneys and are responsible for regulating your stress response. They may be already overworked for a number of reasons (aka long work hours, huge family list, no spa days… you get the idea!!).
Pair that with a sluggish metabolism that may be from other hormone imbalances, gut infections, or an overloaded liver and you have a perfect recipe chronic fatigue and pounds that won’t budge, no matter.
You see, many people are already at the breaking point when it comes to their energy reserves. And while your trainer has the best intentions, they don’t realize that your hormonal imbalances make it impossible to lose weight, no matter how HARD you work out.
So don’t grind yourself into the ground, packing on even more stress… simply review your routine with a practitioner in the know!! Opt for mixing in lighter, more restorative workout days like yoga, pilates, walking, dance classes or even barre if you are suffering from many of the symptoms I mentioned above.
Plus don’t forget your rest days in between – no hard cardio every day, like bootcamp or spin.
To your health,
Kay Spears, CCN
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About Kay Spears
Known for her successful treatment of mystery illnesses, Kay Spears and her team at Kay Spears combine an integrative, functional medicine approach with the appropriate lab testing.
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